Who We Are



Simon Remolif Brandstetter

Global CEO & Co-Founder

Simon Remolif Brandstetter

Navigating through the intricate networks of corporate complexities, Simon Remolif Brandstetter stands out as a stalwart architect of sustainable business solutions and enhanced interpersonal communications. At the helm of U-Mind International, Simon synthesizes his vast international experience, deriving from diverse financial hubs such as Milan, Lugano, and London, into actionable, strategic, and precise problem-solving methodologies that permeate our consulting, coaching, and training programs. Simon has meticulously carved a niche in the spheres of Negotiation, Interpersonal Communication, and On-the-Spot Problem Resolution, driven by over a decade of leadership in executive coaching, business training, and international consulting across dynamic and varied corporate landscapes. Under his strategic leadership, U-Mind International not only navigates but also demystifies the often convoluted world of corporate challenges, delivering not just solutions, but strategic, coherent, and sustainable pathways tailored to meet and exceed corporate requisites. Join us, under Simon's expert guidance, to cut through your business challenges with robust, intelligent, and immediately applicable solutions, sculpted perfectly to align with your corporate needs and ambitions.

Thanos Kyng

Chief Philosophy Officer & Co-Founder

Thanos Kyng

Chief Philosophy Officer & Co-Founder of U-Mind International. Thanos Kyng is a Mind Strategist and an international consultant. Self-Development expert, he encourages all stakeholders to take responsibility from bringing about internal change in order to affect external progress.


Alessio Trazzi

Chief Strategy Officer

Alessio Trazzi

Expert in project / program / portfolio management, strategic marketing and governance, Agile mindset facilitator and coach for a modern approach to business evolution and management in the market, leader in digital transformation and process optimization, in order to ensure the maximization of investments, standardization, cost reduction and ensuring lasting success over time, enterprise infrastructure engineer for integrated business management and data / information / services.

Raffaele Umbriano

Fiscal & Business Advisor

Raffaele Umbriano

Raffaele Umbriano is Chartered Accountant in Italy since 1985 and he is based in Milano with offices in London, Roma, Lugano, and Dubai. Working in his firm for over 35 years, he has focused his practice in representing Italian and International clients. His experience extends to set up tailor-made solutions for optimization of on-shore and off-shore companies’ structures, to find new opportunities for customer’s business, to open new countries with full logistic support with its strong bilateral relationships with international law firms and accountants, to protect customer’s assets and build law-compliance SPV (Special Purpose Vehicles) for International Tax Planning. SPVs are typically used by companies to isolate the firm from financial risk. A company will transfer assets to the SPV for management or use the SPV to finance a large project thereby achieving a narrow set of goals without putting the entire firm at risk. SPVs are also commonly used in complex financings to separate different layers of equity infusion. He is a lecturer in several workshops and seminars. Specialties: Management consulting, International Tax Planning Advisor & Company Setup

Terry Elston

Global Training Program Manager

Terry Elston

Terry Elston has been involved in coaching and training for over 26 years and has been a trainer of NLP for over 22 years. His goal is to continually work with corporations, individuals, and groups to make cohesive, healthy networks that empower companies and individual’s visions and goals. As well as the many blue-chip companies, there have been a selection of assignments includes training Police, Home Office, and MOD personnel; developing training modules for the Cabinet Office, and one-2-one coaching for top executives in blue-chip and governmental institutions.

Filippo Chisari

New Technology Program Manager

Filippo Chisari

Filippo teaches Crypto Marketing and Business Models for the Master in Blockchain & Crypto by Binance, the largest cryptocurrency exchange platform in the world. He designed the Web3 Go-To-Market Canvas™, a framework for enterprises who want to join the Web3 space. For the last 7 years he led Go-To-Market in B2B organizations, and in 2019 got into Blockchain. He works with our clients to grow audiences, build communities, and evangelize Web3 projects. He got his degrees in the UK and spent nearly a decade in the "Startup Nation", Tel Aviv(the 3rd most vibrant tech ecosystem in the world). He is a creator, an energizing enabler, and an entrepreneur at heart.

Giulia Fidilio

Global Change Senior Manager


Corporate Lecturer in Behavioral Economics - AIEF Financial Educator. She graduated in Marketing at London Metropolitan University and passionate about consumer psychology and human behavior, over the years she has created and perfected a unique and interdisciplinary training approach, combining the principles of behavioral sciences with coaching and mentoring. An expert in decision-making processes and behavioral design, Giulia teaches in the corporate field and in the banking and financial consultancy world.



Terry Elston

UK Head of Business Development

Mirella Brandstetter

Managing Director Italy

Giulia Fidilio

Business Development Manager Spain

Silvano Frigerio

Business Development Manager Switzerland

Anthony Foster

UK Business Development Manager

Giordano Guerrini

Business Development Manager Italy


Corporate Concepts

In U-Mind International® We design and develop the successful transformation of small, medium and large enterprise customers through tailor-made digitalization, change-management, training, and coaching projects. U-Mind International provides professional services as well as relevant certification, training, technical support and access to other essential resources needed to implement high value solutions for small, medium and large enterprise customers.

Mission Statement

U-Mind International® proposes a new way of education for individuals, based on a holistic approach (from mind to body), which awakens and unleashes their inner power in order to be used towards the betterment of the global culture of society.

Better Life:

knowledge, awareness, connection individuals/nature

Core Values

In U-Mind International® we create an inclusive environment and culture. A space and a mentality where everyone is welcome. We are focusing on authenticity and uniqueness instead of diversity. We encourage the individuals working with us (employees, partners, clients) to enter a mindset of respect, communication, and continuous advancement, learning and improvement. We strongly believe in accountability as the source of inner power, and we award commitment, consistency, and teamwork. Our methodology consists of total transparency, honesty, loyalty, integrity, and this is what we expect from the people working with us.




THEY Believe In Us


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Emotional Intelligence (EQ or EI)

Business savvy, analytical skills, experience, and vision are all traits often associated with the best executives and organizational leaders. However, …

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U-Mind International Engine of Innovation

In recent years, many companies have achieved great results by reorganizing their processes and their businesses, making them modern and …

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How to Create a Favourable Ground at Company Level?

Have you ever tried to change something in your life, but it did not last? Maybe you’ve tried to change …

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